Purchase English Videos
Training videos, to complement the book are available for purchase by those who confirm they are mental health professionals. Pseudonyms are used in the introductions of the videos below. Each training video is subtitled and punctuated with commentary noting interventions, steps and stages and other therapeutic processes. Along with the purchase of each training video is a pdf introducing the video and an annotated transcript.
You must first register or login in order to purchase videos.There must be no recording of video or any screen shots taken or reposted of the client material.
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy Videos
EFT Stage 1 – After an Affair
In this session you observe a couple prepare for attachment injury repair. You can see the therapist initially using the moves of the EFT Tango for exploring how culture and ethnicity shapes communication of difficult emotions and events. Then you can observe her moving with EFT interventions and Tango moves through de-escalation and some withdrawer re-engagement - into the beginnings of Stage 2 attachment injury resolution.
Stage 1 EFT – Ted and Jed
A Stage 1 session of a gay couple illustrates elements of the first change event of EFT – de-escalation.
Stage 2 EFT – Ben and Meg
An EFT Stage 2 session, of a couple with a more withdrawn female partner and a more pursuing male partner, demonstrates the consolidation of withdrawer re-engagement change event, and the third change event of EFT – known as blamer softening.
Stage 2 EFT – Robert and Marsha
See the EFT Tango in action as the therapist consolidates de-escalation and choreographs withdrawer re-engagement.
New for 2021 - EFT Stage 1 - After an Affair
3 EFCT Video Streaming Bundle
- Stage 1 EFT – Ted and Jed
- Stage 2 EFT – Ben and Meg
- Stage 2 EFT – Robert and Marsha
Individual Video Streaming Access
Ted and Jed
Ben and Meg
Robert and Marsha
Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy Videos
Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) Video: Adam
Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy Video 1 is a session with Adam (pseudonym), a survivor of a random attack several decades earlier. As we follow his emotion from anger, hatred, and vengefulness he accesses fears of avoiding his emotional depths. Finally, deep loss and sadness associated with his trauma emerge.
Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) Video: Monique
The session is with a young woman stuck in a shell of lethargy. Her mother passed away five years earlier and her primary strategy for coping is to suppress her emotions. She has lost a sense of self and of her own independence.
Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) Video: Jane
An emotionally focused individual therapy (EFIT) session illustrates the attachment-based EFT model as applied to individual concerns. In this video I work with a 36 year-old woman, I call “Jane.” Jane wants to stop her addictive cycles.
3 EFIT Video Streaming Bundle
- Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) Video: Jane
- Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) Video: Adam
- Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) Video: Monique
Individual Video Streaming Access
(EFIT): Transforming Trauma and Grieving Lost Love
(EFIT): Transforming Trauma and Grieving Lost Love – Part 1
In this first session of Assessment and Alliance building, I am attending to his ways of regulating emotion by tracking his within / between cycle and monitoring his depth of experiencing. That is, I seek to monitor his closeness to and his distance from his emotional experiencing. In 20 minutes from session 2 we continue with early alliance and assessment. Using mostly EFT Tango Move 1, I reflect his life experiences that continue to hurt. I reflect and explore the time he spent in jail for the death of friend
(EFIT): Transforming Trauma and Grieving Lost Love – Part 2
As session 3 begins, he talks again about his “cognitive dissonance”, this time with an image of a “Venn diagram of fear and shame.” As we assemble his emotional experience triggered by his friend’s death, for which he is responsible, I reframe his experience of shame as his sense of responsibility, remorse, and sadness. In Session 3, I shape the first imagined encounters with the man who died in his accident. We return to his unprocessed terror of remembering seeing friend’s body at the scene of the accident.
(EFIT): Transforming Trauma and Grieving Lost Love – Part 3
This is our final session of Stage 3 Consolidation. We integrate the impact of the corrective emotional experiences from previous sessions, across his life; consolidating new broaden and build patterns within / between. – that is, new patterns of interaction with others and within himself.
(EFIT): Transforming Trauma and Grieving Lost Love
Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy Series (11 hours)
EFIT Series – Video 1
In Session 1 (hours 1 and 2) we explore the key issues of an early EFIT session.
EFIT Series – Video 2
In Session 2 (hours 3 and 4) we follow her pattern of emotion regulation that is part of her anxiety and sadness – sensing judgement from others – and getting annoyed with them for judging her.
EFIT Series – Video 3
In Session 3 (hours 5 and 6) I do a lot of EFT Tango Moves 1 and 2, assembling and deepening emotion around her compulsion to clean.
EFIT Series – Video 4
In Session 4 (hours 7 and 8) The session has primarily Tango Moves 1, 3, and 4, where we explore her experience as a young girl in an encounter with an imagined other.
EFIT Series – Video 5
Much of this session is integrating and consolidating the work thus far with EFT Tango Move 5.
EFIT Series – Video 6
This final session provides an example of Stage 2 reprocessing of emotional experience – leading to reshaping attachment security and shifting internal working models of self and other.
Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy Series (11 hours)