
Stepping into Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy is an amazing book! It lays out how to do Dr. Sue Johnson’s Emotionally Focused Therapy in a very clear, concise, understandable manner. It also integrates the latest research into the “how to” of practice. This is a must-read for anyone interested in learning EFT!

Scott R. Woolley, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor, Couple and Family Therapy, California School of Professional Psychology

Alliant International University, San Diego, CA

Certified EFT Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer

Emotionally focused couple therapy moves confidently into the complex world of relational experiences of couples that are not successful, bringing them the deep emotional experiences of meaning and joy that they are seeking. Sue Johnson’s comprehensive model of couple therapy translates the findings of attachment theory into a very organized therapeutic stance involving a sequence of interventions to guide the struggling couple into the experiential patterns that their relationship needs to thrive.  Lorrie Brubacher, in her new book, Stepping into Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy: Key Ingredients of Change, provides us with an excellent guide for understanding Dr. Johnson’s treatment model.  Ms. Brubacher, an experienced EFT therapist, consultant, and trainer herself, is well-positioned to invite us to walk with her in understanding a strong, evidence-based, treatment model for becoming engaged with couples in their struggling experiences in ways that enable them to forge deeply satisfying bonds.

Dan Hughes, Ph.D.

founder and developer of "Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy"

author of "Attachment-focused family therapy workbook" (2011)

co-author of "The neurobiology of attachment-focused therapy" (2016)

Stepping Into Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy  is personally and professionally engaging right from the first paragraph. Both new and more experienced EFT couple therapists will benefit from reading this book. Brubacher’s experience as an EFT trainer and supervisor provides her with the expert knowledge of where therapists who are learning EFT need clear guidance on the broad strokes of therapeutic inventions and what are the subtle things to be aware of and adjust when working with challenging couples. Using a fictional therapist named Emily, Brubacher walks us through the process of learning and implementing the “what and how” of EFT in the real world of clinical practice. Clearly written in accessible prose, this book is a therapeutic gem!

Dr. Marlene Best, C.Psych

ICEEFT Certified EFT Trainer and Supervisor

Clinical Professor, School of Psychology, University of Ottawa

This is an excellent book; I learned so much from reading it, even though I have been working with EFT for over twenty five years! Lorrie Brubacher is an excellent EFT Clinician, Supervisor and Trainer, much loved by those with whom she works. Readers of this book will benefit from her extensive experience with and understanding of the model, the research on which it is based and the process of learning EFT.  It is an easy to read step by step primer that is filled with insight and a very useful perspective on the model.

Dr. Alison Lee

Vice-President, the International Centre for Excellence in EFT

Certified EFT Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer

co-author of "Becoming an Emotionally Focused Therapist: The Workbook" (2005)

In Stepping into Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy: Key Ingredients of Change, Lorrie Brubacher contributes a valuable and much needed resource for learning Dr. Sue Johnson’s model of Emotionally Focused Therapy. Ms. Brubacher guides the reader on an intimate voyage into the practice of EFT by inviting us into the internal worlds of Emily, an EFT therapist, and three of her couple clients. This text takes a unique approach to exploring the method of EFT by building from experience in the therapy room to an explication of theory. Ms Brubacher draws on the experience of Emily and her clients to clearly and succinctly identify the stages and steps of EFT, the therapeutic tasks and tools, and the markers for change. Added bonuses include an in-depth description of the EFT model for the resolution of attachment injuries and the application of EFT to working with individuals. All therapists, whether novice or seasoned, can benefit and improve their practice through this engaging and relevant read.

Gail Palmer, MSW, RMFT

Certified EFT Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer

founding member and co-director of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy

co-author of "Becoming an Emotionally Focused Therapist: The Workbook" (2005)

Wonderful book.  It’s both simple and thorough so it makes what can feel overwhelming and daunting doable.  Breaking the EFT magic down to measurable steps is the only way to replicate it in my office–so I feel grateful to Lorrie for writing this guide. It is and will continue to improve my work. Thank you, Lorrie.

Jennifer Olden, LMFT

ICEEFT Certified EFT Therapist and Supervisor

Sacramento, CA


I have been an EFT therapist for over a decade, and Lorrie’s book has much to offer even seasoned clinicians. She does a great job of incorporating self-of-therapist blocks and stuck places, and proposing ways to deal with them. Multiple case examples make the material applicable to the couples in our offices. She covers the model clearly and systematically, with a refreshingly smooth and easy-to-read style—it flows from start to finish.

Roy Hodgson, MA, LMFT

ICEEFT Certified Trainer

Seattle, WA

Just skimming through the draft – it’s got that special “Lorrie” quality – superbly clear and engaging – she has such a gift for writing – can’t wait to have it in print and promote it to every EFT’er I know!

Yolanda von Hockauf, M.Ed

ICEEFT Certified Trainer

Vancouver, Canada

This book is a gift that will inspire and inform clinicians both seasoned and new to EFT.  It provides an enriching and expansive view of the model’s theoretical underpinnings, process, and application that is presented in an accessible, practitioner-relevant fashion, and that reveals Lorrie’s extensive experience, depth of knowledge, and grasp of how emotion can be effectively harnessed and utilized within a relational and attachment framework as a key and essential mechanism of therapeutic change.

Dr. T. Leanne Campbell and Dr. David R. Fairweather

ICEEFT Certified EFT Trainers

Vancouver Island Centre for EFT